so it goes.

09 Aug

  • 2024

    For the first time in forever Mrs Basil and I slept in the same bed an left to her own devices. So fingers crossed tonight will be the first consecutive full nights sleep in about 3 weeks. I’ve ordered an Nvidia Shield and gonna try getting some nefarious streaming set up so Mrs Basil can watch the 3pm matches this season.

10 Aug

  • 2024

    Walked the dog and went to a sad food market then set up IPTV on the Nvidia Shield that arrived this morning. Obviously that was a pain but managed to get it working eventually. My kobo ereader seems to be dead… It’s stuck on a screen that says: Please charge your ereader. Wonderful.

11 Aug

  • 2024

    Travelled down south for a few days for work. Had to change trains in London so spent the evening kicking my heels in Waterloo. Went to a few very different pubs and had some food before my last leg of the journey. Various things and people starting to annoy me by the time I got to the Holiday Inn that time forgot. There was a pair of shoes left in my room, which was pretty funny.