so it goes.

03 Aug

  • 2024

    Another absolutely disastrous night. I left Mrs Basil downstairs with the dog and went to bed, exhausted. I woke at 2am hearing commotion. It turns out the dog went out for a late night bathroom break and was attacked by some unknown bug. A puncture on the snout which swelled up like a balloon, one on her bum hole which was raw from constant liking and scooting. Just a hellish night and a very difficult day that followed. It feels like this shit is never going to end.

04 Aug

  • 2024

    A more “normal” night but still interrupted sleep since it was my turn babysitting the dog. Desperate for a full nights sleep. Another hard day in a string of hard days. And back to work tomorrow after a restful weekend.

05 Aug

  • 2024

    Sleep is devine. Went to sleep at 11 and woke at 7. Delightful. Got some decent work done today but got stuck for a good few hours on some stupid Entity Framework nonsense, so I didn’t finish my work items. Dog still has a big scab on her leg, a sore on her paw, and a big pimple on her arse.