so it goes.

01 Aug

  • 2024

    Mrs Basil was out for the day at some work event so I had the dog. She was mostly ok. Could have done without having to keep all the windows closed to stop her barking. It meant it was stuffy as hell. After work I walked a friend’s dog. A gentle sweet chocolate Labrador. Complete opposite to my chaos goblin.

02 Aug

  • 2024

    The kept me up until about 04:30 so I am ruined. Mrs Basil was at a launch event for a video she produced for Adidas a few weeks ago and just before she left the dog knocked her scab off again. I walked our friends dog, Max again tonight and it all went fine except I managed to lock myself out of their house so spent the evening dog sitting. I’m so tired.

03 Aug

  • 2024

    Another absolutely disastrous night. I left Mrs Basil downstairs with the dog and went to bed, exhausted. I woke at 2am hearing commotion. It turns out the dog went out for a late night bathroom break and was attacked by some unknown bug. A puncture on the snout which swelled up like a balloon, one on her bum hole which was raw from constant liking and scooting. Just a hellish night and a very difficult day that followed. It feels like this shit is never going to end.